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#SCR resistance heating for u-bolt manufacturing plant

  My Name vicky  factory was in delhi iam purachase new  resistance heating for u-bolt machine so machine is very fast production save money and save my time machine was good working   so i recommendation purachase this machine  contact sohal Electric works  Resistance heating for U-bolt manufacturing  plant In the realm of industrial manufacturing, efficiency is key. Every process, every machine, every innovation is geared towards streamlining production, reducing costs, and enhancing quality. In this pursuit, heating machines play a pivotal role, especially in industries reliant on precise temperature control for their processes. For making U-bolt the iron rod should bent to make flawless U shape. To make flawless good quality U shape the iron rod should be heated first before bending. Here comes the role of electric resistance heating machine also known as U-bolt heating machine. The machine consists of a control circuit and step down transformer to match right heating of iron rod.


                                             STUD WELDER    2008                                   ABOUT STUD WELDER  CAPACITOR DISCHARGE Stud welding is an electric process in which high electric energy is send at joint for just for one to three milli-second, that results in an arc blast that melts stud & base metal surface and a spring force instantly pushes stud towards iron sheet surface and the weld joint forms. In CD stud welder a capacitor bank is charged from 30 to 180 Volt according to weld stud size. When triggered, the energy stored in capacitors is discharged on weld area and the burst of electricity demolish gap pin on stud head and creates the molten pool. The gun pushes the stud down into the molten pool. (CD studs have a special pin on the head to maintain gap between stud & base-metal. The pin merges in weld pool during the weld.) Studs can be weld with common welding process like: Manual arc, Mig welding or Tig welding. But CD stud welding is best preferred pr